Photos shot at the Majlis Berambih Keluarga
Persatuan Melanau Kuching, held on July 10, 2010 at Wisma Melanau Kuching.

The Majlis program book.

The event stage.

The Melanau dancers doing last minutes practice to welcome the VIP guests.

VIP Guests - Left: Len Talif (PMK president). Center: Taib Mahmud (Chief Minister of Sarawak) and Right: Leo Toyad.

VIP Guests - Aidan Wing

VIP Guests - Left: Fatimah Abdullah. Right: Len Talif

Launching of the Persatuan Melanau Kuching's official website.
What is BerambihBerambih is a Melanau word for a casual social gathering that may involve having a meal together. The event may involve a small celebration that includes a feast, cultural show and other social activities.
Acara berambih adalah acara perjumpaan antara rakan rakan, penduduk mahupun perjumpaan antara pemimpin dan rakyat jelata.
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