The Majlis program book.

The event stage.

The Melanau dancers doing last minutes practice to welcome the VIP guests.

VIP Guests - Left: Len Talif (PMK president). Center: Taib Mahmud (Chief Minister of Sarawak) and Right: Leo Toyad.

VIP Guests - Aidan Wing

VIP Guests - Left: Fatimah Abdullah. Right: Len Talif

Launching of the Persatuan Melanau Kuching's official website.
What is Berambih
Berambih is a Melanau word for a casual social gathering that may involve having a meal together. The event may involve a small celebration that includes a feast, cultural show and other social activities.
Acara berambih adalah acara perjumpaan antara rakan rakan, penduduk mahupun perjumpaan antara pemimpin dan rakyat jelata.
SEO: Berambih Melanau | makna berambih | maksud berambih | apa itu berambih
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